2009年2月17日 星期二

Canonical format in XML Publisher Date Format


To use the Microsoft format mask or the Oracle format mask, the date from the XML data source must
be in canonical format. This format is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+HH:MM
• YYYY is the year
• MM is the month
• DD is the day
• T is the separator between the date and time component
• hh is the hour in 24-hour format
• mm is the minutes
• ss is the seconds
• +HH:MM is the time zone offset from Universal Time (UTC), or Greenwich Mean Time

An example of this construction is: 2005-01-01T09:30:10-07:00
The data after the "T" is optional, therefore the following date: 2005-01-01 can be formatted using either date formatting option. Note that if you do not include the time zone offset, the time will be formatted to the UTC time.