To use the Microsoft format mask or the Oracle format mask, the date from the XML data source must
be in canonical format. This format is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+HH:MM
• YYYY is the year
• MM is the month
• DD is the day
• T is the separator between the date and time component
• hh is the hour in 24-hour format
• mm is the minutes
• ss is the seconds
• +HH:MM is the time zone offset from Universal Time (UTC), or Greenwich Mean Time
An example of this construction is: 2005-01-01T09:30:10-07:00
The data after the "T" is optional, therefore the following date: 2005-01-01 can be formatted using either date formatting option. Note that if you do not include the time zone offset, the time will be formatted to the UTC time.