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顯示具有 Office 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2020年10月17日 星期六



只要你有一個Microsoft Account 


首先到www.office.com,按 sign in 來登入


我們用Word來舉例, New blank document


把它存到自己的電腦,選File > Save As 

這時就可以選擇把它 Download a Copy,這樣你就有自己的Word檔了。

這個方法最好再配合OneDrive, 這樣你上傳下載都方便很多。

2012年4月19日 星期四

Introduce Microsoft Office Live Meeting

Today I participated one Microsoft event.

It requires the participants to download Microsoft Office Live Meeting.

After looking over the functions and some features, I decided to write this article to let the other similar products have a standard or idea to follow.

This is the screenshot after I logged in.


The feedback part. I think this one is brilliant and useful. Use different color to indicate different requirement.

But for now, I think microsoft only leverage the Need Help.


The Attendees, display the attendees as a virtual meeting room.

You can also view the other attendees's name in this function.


The Shared Notes. I think this is also a good idea to share some notes to the other attendees.


The Handouts. I think this part is good, too. But unfortunately, I was not able to see this part any more during the session.


Q&A, this one many products offered, too. But it is more like a real situation, you raise your hand, and ask questions.


The Meeting, a summarized information of this meeting, press Exit if you want to escape from the meeting 吐舌頭.



Voice & Video, I can control the volume my self.




Technology really helps and changes our life a lot.

I personally would recommend any business leverage Microsoft solution for the remote meeting purpose.

As of the other similar products, please include at least all the functions Microsoft provided.