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顯示具有 Microsoft 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2020年10月17日 星期六



只要你有一個Microsoft Account 


首先到www.office.com,按 sign in 來登入


我們用Word來舉例, New blank document


把它存到自己的電腦,選File > Save As 

這時就可以選擇把它 Download a Copy,這樣你就有自己的Word檔了。

這個方法最好再配合OneDrive, 這樣你上傳下載都方便很多。

2013年6月20日 星期四

How to remove Microsoft Excel VBA password?

Origin from Google Group

I wish no one use this skill to do anything bad.

The original idea was to modify some program logic from my previous Excel VBA master.

I'm just a very very normal IT guy. 吐舌頭 

First of all you need a Hex editor.

Open your Excel file in the Hex editor.

Find the DPB in the file (In ASCII mode of course)

Then modify the B to anything else, in the discussion of Google Group Shameer suggested to use x.

So that would change the DPB to DPx.

Now save your file.

Open up your modified Excel, lots of error messages popup.

Just keep press OK.

Now ALT+F11 to open up your VBA Editor, you'll see the password now is empty!

Now you can change it to something else save it back, and everything will be back.


Cool, isn't it?

2012年4月19日 星期四

Introduce Microsoft Office Live Meeting

Today I participated one Microsoft event.

It requires the participants to download Microsoft Office Live Meeting.

After looking over the functions and some features, I decided to write this article to let the other similar products have a standard or idea to follow.

This is the screenshot after I logged in.


The feedback part. I think this one is brilliant and useful. Use different color to indicate different requirement.

But for now, I think microsoft only leverage the Need Help.


The Attendees, display the attendees as a virtual meeting room.

You can also view the other attendees's name in this function.


The Shared Notes. I think this is also a good idea to share some notes to the other attendees.


The Handouts. I think this part is good, too. But unfortunately, I was not able to see this part any more during the session.


Q&A, this one many products offered, too. But it is more like a real situation, you raise your hand, and ask questions.


The Meeting, a summarized information of this meeting, press Exit if you want to escape from the meeting 吐舌頭.



Voice & Video, I can control the volume my self.




Technology really helps and changes our life a lot.

I personally would recommend any business leverage Microsoft solution for the remote meeting purpose.

As of the other similar products, please include at least all the functions Microsoft provided.

2012年3月27日 星期二

解決 Word 2010 Crash

最近在使用Word 2010時, 常常一直Crash, 找了很久, 找不到原因, 一直用安全模式來渡日..
後來真的有氣到了, 就很努力地上網去找, 終於被我找到原因了! 先看一下下文

原文於Mobile 01

Office 2010 中 Word 開啟舊檔後發生錯誤

問題事件名稱: APPCRASH
應用程式版本: 14.0.5123.5000
應用程式時間戳記: 4c646b40
錯誤模組名稱: btmofficea.dll
錯誤模組時間戳記: 4cc57919
例外狀況代碼: c0000005
例外狀況位移: 0000000000005e1f
作業系統版本: 6.1.7601.
地區設定識別碼: 1028

LCID: 1028
skulcid: 1028

btmofficea.dll 經查結果為提供 Office 軟體藍芽傳送功能之增益集
經關閉後 Word 2010 已經可以正常開啟

作業系統 : Win7 (x64)專業版
問題軟體 : Office 2010 專業版 Word 2010

您所反應的問題,為Motorola Bluetooth驅動引起Word發生錯誤狀況,相關單位已
在此同時,建議您可以於WOLD 2010內選擇 檔案 > 選項 > 增益集 > 下面管理 >
選擇COM 增益集 > 執行 > Send to Bluetooth不勾 > 確定,以解決此問題。


結果, 我也照著Gigabyte客服去做, 真的就解決了....