2006年7月7日 星期五

[How To] How to paste your picture in MSN Blog in actual size?


Today I'd like to introce the way I put the picture on MSN Blog.

If anyone had a better idea, it would be my honor to share that with you.


Here we go:

  1. Upload your image.
    I think everybody has no problem with this step.

  2. Copy the URL of your image previously upload
    You may make it by right click on the image

  3. Paste the URL previously copied on your blog
    First of all, change your blog edit mode into HTML edit mode.
    To do so, you may press the black <HTML> above. The blog editor will become HTML format.
    Find the place you want to paste the picture, and use tag <IMG src="your image url">

  4. See the result
    If anything wrong, your picture won't be shown properly. Otherwise, you may see a larger one picture on your MSN blog.

Sorry for my poor English. But I'll try my best to use it. Just for internationalized....

Enjoy your sharing!!




