2020年10月2日 星期五




Prime Video : 

Grandma (2015)

Gradma在IMDB上的分數是6.7分, 其中有Julia Garner, 她就是演Ozark的那位南方口音女孩。個人很欣賞她的演技,但似乎目前仍脫不了那個南方女孩的感覺,希望這部電影她演技有所發揮。


The Open House (2018)

Open  House是我們常做的事,不知道會有什麼橋段會讓人嚇到吃手手。

Enola Holmes (2020)

這部電影有Millie Bobby Brown的演出,Millie就是演Stranger Things的Eleven. 小女孩其實在演Stranger Things後期就有小女人的感覺了,讓我們拭目以待看看Millie有什麼絕招可以出來。



2016年10月12日 星期三

How to burn ISO in macOS Sierra

First of all, I have no idea which blogs of mine should post this article.
I'll consider this is a note for myself in this blog.
However, it's always nice to share.

I downloaded an Ubuntu Desktop iso on my new upgraded macOS Sierra.
The iMac it's self is old, it's mid 2010 which still have a old device - super drive.

I was dragging so hard from the iso file to the Disk Utility everywhere but nothing really happens.

Finally, luckily, I've found it's not that hard anymore.

Open the Finder and point to the location of your iso file.
In my case, it's under my Downloads

Now under menu  File, you'll see the Burn Disk Image "xxx" to Disc...

Press that one and it'll ask you to put empty DVD disc to your superdrive
And you'll have the Ubuntu installation disk in no time.